Baby Carrier Safety & Endorsements
When wearing your baby correctly and safely you will harness all the beautiful benefits that Babywearing has to offer.
We've ensured our Slings, Wraps and OG Clip carriers have been acknowledged as Hip Healthy by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute so you can wear your little one with confidence.
Chekoh supports healthy hip development by ensuring the 'M-Position' is safely achieved in our carriers.
Your baby's knees should be bent up and in line with their belly button and gently spread to the sides (like a frog or koala bear). Their legs and dropped bottom will resemble an 'M' shape and baby's pelvis will slide to the front. Their back will be supported in a beautiful (and age appropriate) C shape curve.
This squat style position is the position new babies will naturally assume when they are picked up.
They automatically bend their legs and tuck-up like a little frog and prepare themselves instinctively to be carried.
Chekoh has recently secured endorsement from the Australian Babywearing Association.
"They pride themselves on educating and promoting the highest level of babywearing safety and best practice."
Parents who want to keep their babies as safe and supported as possible and are looking for these markers when purchasing items for their baby can now have assurity when purchasing a baby carrier, sling, or wrap.
They endorse products that comply with best practice positioning and support, and adequately explain safety and correct use for optimal outcomes for both caregivers and children.
T.I.C.K.S Guidelines for Safe Babywearing

The number one tip we have for first time wearers is to ensure your Carrier is firm and tight.
For Wraps: Focus that tension on the shoulder passes. The two pockets across your chest will stretch to fit your baby and hold them high and secure. As our fabric blend contains spandex to mould to you and provide a lightweight and comfy carry, it also means that it will stretch. So pull down the shoulder passes TIGHT, make sure there is no slack in the fabric and your baby will sit high and firm in these pockets.
This one is pretty simple.
Baby’s face, nose and mouth should remain uncovered by your body and by the Carrier.
The easiest way to do this?
Make sure you always have a full view of your little one’s face.

Totally kissable!
Keeping your baby at the correct height will ensure all eyes are on them - visible and kissable. By simply tipping your chin down you should be able to kiss the top of your baby’s head.
Curled airways can restrict breathing, so ensure baby’s chin is up and away from their chest at all times.
Another good reason to always keep them In View and Close Enough To Kiss - chins up baby!

When wearing correctly, baby's knees should be bent up and in line with their belly button and gently spread to the sides (like a frog or koala). Their legs and dropped bottom will resemble a 'M' shape and baby's pelvis will slide to the front.
Ultimately this positioning helps support your baby's spine by promoting the age appropriate 'C' shape curve.
Any questions? Contact us below