Meet Jess & April - Marketing Managers at Chekoh

Meet Jess & April - Marketing Managers at Chekoh

Posted by Jessica Friend on

We thought it was time to introduce the gals behind the marketing at Chekoh.

Whether you follow us on the 'gram or subscribe to our emails, you will have seen them in action at some point across your Chekoh journey!

Jess from the Chekoh Baby team

Jess - PR & Marketing Manager 

Likes: Hot chips, staying up late & scary movies.

Dislikes: Olives, clutter & being on boats (seasick ahoy!)

April from the Chekoh Baby team

April - Social Media & Marketing Manager

Likes: Days at the beach, fashunnn & a good pina colada!

Dislikes: Seafood, the cold & being left on seen.

Tell us a bit more about you and how you got into your role at Chekoh?
Any previous experience in this field?

Jess: I have a background in skincare product formulation and customer service and fell into this role (through April actually - we are high school friends!) when I went back to study Communication at university. I've always been into photography and creative things, so I feel like being able to study and learn while at Chekoh has been a blessing!  

April: I was actually lucky enough to meet Krystal years ago, as I was an educator to her three precious little boys, whilst working for my parents business (a local kindergarten). I then had my own two babies and felt a change was needed and that's when Krystal offered me a role at Chekoh. The hours are perfect and it ties in really well with me being a mumma. 

Describe your average day?

Chekoh Baby shoot day - with April and Jess Marketing Managers (day in the life)

Jess: I usually get in around 8:15-8:30am and check comments/DM's and work on whatever tasks I have set out for that day. It could be anything from scheduling content, analytics/strategy, emails or meetings, organising PR, moodboarding a photoshoot, preparing EDM's or stories and really anything in between. You'll usually find April and I chatting back and forth keeping each other updated on any changes and ideas we have.  

April: After the school and kindy drop off, it's a 9am start for me. Jess and I collaborate on basically everything in the office from marketing, creating content, coordinating PR/sourcing talent, EDM's and all the connections on social media (it's probably me in your inbox responding - so hello, I love chatting with you all!) 

Favourite thing about working for Chekoh?

Chekoh Baby at Mylky Space - April filming @claydo_

Jess: I love the creative freedom! The fact that there is always something new to learn or try to keep our Chekoh Mama's engaged with the content we put out. The super cute babies don't hurt either. 

April: Challenging my mind to become more creative each day is something I love about working here. It's a very different role to which I worked in my last job and something I thought I might not ever be able to learn or become good at and wow would you look at those IG STORIES! A break from Bluey/ABC kids and some adult conversation here, is something I look forward to most days. 

Hardest part about your role?

Jess:  The role can lead to a lot of screen time and I really need to work on my posture from scrolling on TikTok and Instagram at my desk haha.

April: How over stimulating it can be! Trying to keep on trend and create content that feels not only authentic to myself, but the brand can be A LOT. IG and Pinterest can really suck you in some days and zap your brain harrrd. But in saying that, I wouldn't have it any other way - I love my work days at Chekoh.

Top 3 favourite pieces from the collection?

Ivory Cord Clip Carrier by Chekoh Baby

Jess: My top picks would have to be the Ivory or Ginger Cord Clip Carriers and a toss up between the Jett Wrap or Cosmo Swaddle for newborn gifting!

Denim Clip Carrier by Chekoh Baby

April: I'm loving the Denim at the moment, I also swoon over the Ginger Corduroy and the fun Cosmo print. 

How do you unwind after a day's work?

Jess: My partner and I like to debrief about our day on the sun lounge out the front of our house and then maybe a little game or two (any Crash Bandicoot lovers out there?) after dinner we settle into a TV series. At the moment we are watching The Last of Us as we played this game a few years ago.

 April: ....Hmmmm I don't? Ha ha. It's straight back into Mum life, a quick cuppa and tidy up around the house, before entering the mad-house dinner/bath time routine. I do enjoy a fitness and yoga class when I get the time though, generally once or twice a week and walks with the doggo of an afternoon are always refreshing. 

What has been your favourite day at Chekoh so far?

Jess helping out on set

Jess: I love our photoshoot days! Getting to collaborate with the team on a concept for the shoot and meeting all the gorgeous local families is a real highlight. Even better when we get the images back - a shout out to our wonderful photographer Kate!

April and Jess on set - photoshoot days with Chekoh Baby

April: Photoshoot days are always fun, I look forward to connecting with our Chekoh parents face to face and meeting all their beautiful babes. Coming to work with the girls is always nice, it's like hanging out with a bunch of your besties every day! 

Anything exciting in the works?

Chekoh Baby team

Jess: We can't say too much just yet but there are definitely some new prints in the works - stay tuned!

April: We are working on some moodboards at the moment for some upcoming prints, as well as a very exciting collaboration with one of our fave Chekoh mama's. Peep any sneak peaks via our socials in the next few weeks! 

Did you have a question about what we get up to behind the scenes at Chekoh HQ?
Leave us a comment below!

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